The Spiritual Cause to Allergies & Food Sensitivities


All Allergies are a manifestation of stuck energy known as negative emotions. These energy blocks unconsciously cause us to believe there is no solution for a situation or  problem. Allergies are a sign of an imbalanced autoimmune system. The unconscious root cause is being insensitive to one’s own thoughts and emotions to the point of disassociating  and desensitizing oneself from their feelings. Over time this conditions the body to become excessively sensitive.

Resistance is the key to allergic reactions. Allergic reactions take the body’s immunity to substances, emotions, and their energies. A major problem in spiritual formation is resistance to pass up the prideful and self-centered position and moving into loving stance. Spiritual wounds are formed from denying parts of our ego. The stifling of our thoughts and negative emotions builds up over time until they manifests in our life experiences & physical body. All Trauma including Psychic Trauma manifest as emotional blocks in the subconscious and are usually always linked to intolerances and allergic responses.

Intuitive eating includes honoring your health, valuing your body, and making peace with food in order to help you become more tuned in to your food sensitivities as well as personal tastes.The act of intuitive eating should begin before you step foot in a grocery store. It should set out when you decide how you want to experience and being mindful that the food you ingest becomes you!

Knowing what healthy choices of food to purchase is reliant on knowing your physical structure. On some level, we are entirely creatures of habit and don’t voluntarily change our diet and lifestyle habits unless we are forced to.

In society to feel really tapped into and accept the best intuition one needs to eat foods loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Some examples are: fresh fruits and veggies, leafy greens, raw nuts and seeds, sprouts, cold pressed olive oil, seaweed and sea vegetables.

Nutrients that are processed like bread, processed sugar, processed fats and addictive taste enhancing chemicals the body doesn’t recognize and can’t process. Instead, they deplete energy. Candida overgrowth is another problem. This fungus helps the absorption of nutrients and aids digestion when its levels are balanced in the body. When your body’s natural pH balance is imbalanced, Candida and other strains of bad bacteria gets out of hand. Aside from having brain fog, the body begins to lack nutrients which then creates a slew of other physical, mental and emotional imbalances.

Another factor in increasing your intuition is to raise your own vibration by incorporating love and respect during preparation. Sharing food with others also helps us to unite in all things on a deeper level. Bringing up your vibration by eating a diet that is full of nutrition gives the body mind and lively energy. When our physical structures are filled with colors, textures and flavors that represent the energies of nature our energy becomes revitalized, our mind is sharper our mood is elevated, and overall state of wellness shifts.

As an advisor many of my clients express they don’t trust their intuition and consider it is unreliable. What I have found prevalent is that most of these people suffer from candidate or have an overload of metals and other toxins in their system. This makes tapping into what you feel and feeling connected to your intuition allot more difficult. Unfortunately years of food sensitivities are not just life altering, but life threatening. The body tries to build up an immunity to them. In return we don’t notice the severity of damage they cause. They are considered an immune-based disease that has become a serious health concern for people across the globe.

Food reactions are unpredictable and everyone’s reactions differ from food intolerances due to their physical constitution and environment. Although, food allergies aren’t considered mild or severe, only their reactions are. Finding which food that is causing the sensitivity can be very difficult. For most people, there’s a lot to unlearn—essentially, all of the diet messaging you’ve ever heard—before you can trust your own food instincts so it may be best to hire a holistic health coach to help you with allergy testing and food recommendations.

Learning to give your body what it needs is a spiritual process. By becoming conscious of what you eat and investing in your health you are raising your vibrations because, it is an act of love.

Laura Schwalm is a Master Psychic Healer Medium. She specialized in Holistic & Spiritual Healing for the body, mind and spirit. To read more about the difference services offers.




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